Sunday, April 3, 2016

Tournament # 6 - Weston warriors - Toronto

I headed down to Toronto with Riya (10) and Nora (15) in tow.

Competition was good this year for my division.  (39-up) I was able to compete with 3 women.  Ages ranged from 39-44.... I was the 49

I was first up ( god I hate that). in patterns 4 judges with scores of 7.5 7.5 7.5 and a 7

The others went, 2 with lower scores, and one that tied...however, they gave it to me in a unanimous decision. Gold!

Sparring.  I won against the first police officer from Saskatoon, and then sparred the next one, as Linda did not win the round.  The police officer kicked my twice in the crotch, with warnings, but I was able to contain my composure, and won gold!

The gang- Sir, Nina, Linda, Avery,Nora, me, Carmen, Riya, Ben, Mick and Calem

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