Sunday, April 3, 2016

Gup #2 - red belt to black stripe

March 8th 2016 - a few weeks ago, sir had taken me out to dinner to say thanks for all the help I do for his school. It was a wonderful night.  In the midst of conversation, he also set out a timeframe of my journey to black belt, and next steps. First was to take the black strip test.  I have over 45 classes and 22 classes of teaching within only 4 months. I was going to test in March.

It was a small test, but about 3 hours long.  I successfully did all that expected, and theory.  Board breaks,,,,,that was another story.  I was asked to do a hammer fist on a board and the first try resulted in a very bruised hand...the board was soaken wet.  Sir grin, "I guess it's a bad board". I then succeeded with another board.  I then did a spinning hook kick, and then he asked me to do a twist kick.  That one I did not do.....this is a black stripe kick....

After the test, I went on my way to Kanata to help out in that test, and sir kept asking me if I wanted my belt.  I told him, I'd rather receive it I front of my peers,.  He agreed.

All in all, I'm on my way.  I received my black stripe on the following Tuesday

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