Sunday, March 29, 2015

4th Tournament - Weston Warriors Global TKD Championships - Toronto

I have been icing my arm/neck for quite a bit this week.... doing all the "stretching" exercises that my Chiropractor Ryan Pope has advised me on, and preparing myself mentally for this tournament.

Thursday night during class, I was up for a mini competition, and did my new pattern that I just learned 2 weeks ago... I forgot one move and got points deducted.  I still won the "gold", but I was really upset with myself that I forgot that one move... ya....  you have no idea what that did to me mentally...   I was advised by Cheryl and Sir to do my lower rank, as my presentation of my foot is quite nice, and the other pattern really had no kicks, or elements of "wow factor"... so this pattern "Joon Gun", I practiced, till I forgot all the move... **you know what I mean

My opponent this year was just one female, Mae, who is now a black stripe. We had competed last year, but did not spar.  This year she asked if we would be sparring, and I said sure... she added, very light right? ... I said sure.

I asked Shane to help me out on a  few movements that I wanted to ensure I had dead on.....

Mae and I were asked last minute if we would not mind if an 18 year old red belt could join and compete with us... we agreed.

The worse case to be in is to be first... and of course I being of the lowest rank, had to go first.

I was quite surprised with the judges results... 7.5 7.5 and an 8.   - The two went... scores were lower than mine.... I got the gold.

Next Sparring...Low and behold - Miss "let's keep it light" - came out like a wrecking ball, and punched me square in the face.  I held nothing back.  Round houses to the head, to the front... some punches.... and I took gold.  Now I'm icing my neck and the back of my shoulders again.  :) but looking at 2 shiny trophies.

Husband painted my nails the night before.... this is my tradition before a tournament or test

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