Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gup # 12 - 2nd test. The hardest day I ever had.

Friday night, Shelley came over to practice our step sparring for our test Saturday morning

At 8a.m, Prior to the test of colour belts, the students testing for black belt were off on their 10k run. The test for them is an all day endurance, sparring, patterns kicks and everything else in between that they have learned since being a white belt. I was going to help out by taking pics all day to then put on the sparks website. I can't lie either, I was also curious to see what my future may consist of, if I continue this chapter in my life.

My test, I think, went well. Sir mentioned that all "moms" that tested, we all got A's in that area.  Much stroger than the kids / teens.  (Maybe it's cause we always "kick their assess" out of bed?).  At the end of the test... my dobok was soaked!  It was a good work out, and I think I nailed the test, however, Sir never asked to do step sparring. He completely forgot. I hope to get my results next week (Tuesday). Picture to come I hope.

By the end of the day, all 6 black belt hopefuls passed their test, and right there and then, they were awarded their black belt by Sir.  Some still had projects to hand in, and one had a written exam to do, but Sir was confident enough to give them their belts.  During the ceremony, As the got to a boy by the name of Julian, all I could do is remember the years my son did Tkd beside this boy, sparring, tournaments, and yet my boy was not present today.  I started to tear up and had to leave before I wept...I could actually fell it coming..I did not make it to the door without Sharpe pulling me to side, and she let me cry in her arms.

So many doors could have been open if he just stuck it out for 2 months. I'm so so upset at this. He is a natural. Could of went to so many places, and could teach.  It just saddens me so much to see all that talent go to waste.

All I can hope is that he one day returns.  I hope he returns and completes something in his young life.

Here are the graduates of 2013 along side their mentors and instructors.  Way to go guys!  you deserved this!  The new belts have an * beside their name

Back: Janet, Sharp, Julian*, Amber*, Hannah*, Zoe*, Carolyn* Mick, Shane, ????*
front:  Cheryl, Sir, Andy

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