Friday, April 19, 2013

First Test - April 18, 2013

Had a bit of trouble with side kick last night during the test as targets where not used - I kept doing roundhouse for some reason....... other than that I think my patterns and step sparing were good and strong.

Some memory of terminolgy wasn't quite there, things that I did study were not asked....I did know AND answered the tenants which were required... so that was good... I also know the oath (not asked), but relatively speaking, I think I passed.

As I participated in the next  "normal class", Sir asked to move to another part of the dojang to start learning my new pattern ~ Chon-ji - with black belt instructor Shane.  Shane with a grin on his face looked at me and said "guess you passed huh?"... - that's a good sign :) 

19 steps in this pattern.... gonna be a challenge - going from a walking stance to an L stance...shifting of weights on legs, and bends...... but all in due time....  I'm confident, in that I want to learn.

I asked hubby to take a picture of me in my white belt, for my memory book, and blog, as it may be one of the last times I wear it ~ only one way from here... and that's up ~ to hopefully one day black.   Being 46 now.... maybe... just MAYBE by the time I hit 51 or 52.. a Black belt may embrace my waist.  hahahaha
He would not take a pic unless I smiled and did some "move" from class. THIS IS NOT A PROPER STANCE.... I just did this so that he would take the dang picture so that I could get to bed!!!!

Stay tuned ......

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