Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tyler Takes Gold in Sparring & Patterns

I did not think we would have made it to the tournament this weekend.  Thursday after Tyler's Co-Op, i picked him up and noticed he was in great pain.  He did something to his back.
He further explained that he was helping out the kitchen boys by doing the dishes and putting them away.  Anyone who has worked in a restaurant knows how heavy those plates can be.  So i think he tore something when he reached up to place them on the shelves.
Anyhow, we made sure he filled up with Advil, and iced his back... took long hat baths for the next 2 days and then Satruday... he was okay to do patterns.... not sure of the sparring.

To our surprise... he sucked up the discomfort and went full out!

Saturday we met My dad and nephew Chris to see the Master Fu Tournament.

There was not much of a turnout of different schools for this event this year.  Maybe 6 different Schools instead of the 10 or 12.

In Ring 4 we had all blue belts (males and females) and it just so happend they were all from Sparks Tae Kwon Do?????  That was so weird.

Anyhow.  Tyler and Shane were boys of similar rank of Blue Belt.  Shane being 2 red stripes and Ty being of 1 red stripe... however both boys were the same height!!! so they competed against eachother.

The Red Belts

(Anna - gold in patterns)

Both boys are very strong in patterns and in sparring.  Tyler took the Gold in Patterns by .5 points. I, unfortunately thought, that I was taking a movie with my camera, .. and it turns out... well... I blew that.  so here is a pic of the judge giving him his 8.5 points (the cross over means 1/2)

The Award - Gold

Here are some pics of the sparring match.

Mouthguard, shin pads, feet pads, hand pads, and head gear!

Tyler's famous point on the head contact

Congrats Tyler

1 comment:

Laureate said...

Way to go Tyler!!!