It's spelled Auger Beach - A U G E R! You know... a tool for boring wood?

Folks in Constance Bay call it OJ beach (I was told by some "kid" at the gas station - " You know, OJ, like Orange Juice" - if I could smack the daffed look on his face that he was giving me... I woulda .... nevermind - I forgot this is a family blog.
On a lighter Note and why we are on the Beach in the first place......
Happy Anniversary Ron and Judy Sparks and hopefully another 15 years more!!!!
Happy Anniversary Ron and Judy Sparks and hopefully another 15 years more!!!!
In between serving hotdogs and hamburgs, I took many a pictures of the day's event... but this blog will freeze up if I put them here, so click on this link and you will be directed to a page on my dog site where I made a page just for this occasion!
I hope you enjoy it. Book mark this place if you'd like.
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